It Takes Time!: Perfect and complete growth

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We often inhibit our growth by simply being impatient. When things don’t happen as fast as we thought they would, we start to lose hope and begin to despair. Little do we know that often we give up right at the turning point of what we’ve been working towards. We are so obsessed with instant-living where everything happens instantaneously. We lack the urge to go through the process and we always choose the easiest challenges. We want to achieve more, but we want that to happen instantly with no or little effort. We fail to understand that going through the process is the key to infinite success and the only means to come full circle.

This book will:

Help you develop the patience and strength needed to achieve infinite success
Introduce you to the process involved in achieving perfect and complete growth
Challenge you to patiently go after your dreams amid challenges you may face
Help you find your true identity and power in who God says you are
Teach you how to succeed in your workplace, in your studies and in your life